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أقسم بالله العظيم أن أكون مخلصًا لديني ولمصر وللأزهر الشريف, وأن أراقب الله في أداء مهمتى بالمركز, مسخرًا علمي وخبرتى لنشر الدعوة الإسلامية, وأن أكون ملازمًا لوسطية الأزهر الشريف, ومحافظًا على قيمه وتقاليده, وأن أؤدي عملي بالأمانة والإخلاص, وأن ألتزم بما ورد في ميثاق العمل بالمركز, والله على ما أقول شهيد.

Speech of Grand Imam Welcoming Pope of the Vatican in Al azhar World Conference for Peace in 2017

  • | Monday, 15 May, 2017
Speech of Grand Imam Welcoming Pope of the Vatican in Al azhar World Conference for Peace in 2017

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful


His Holiness Pope Francis of the Vatican,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


I greet you all with the greeting of peace “al-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh



Al-Azhar and the Muslim Council of Elders (MCE) warmly welcome and thank you all for your honorable acceptance of our invitation. We deeply appreciate your visit to Egypt and Al-Azhar in response to Al-Azhar invitation to undertake our collective historical responsibility as religious leaders and scholars to work for peace and relieve the miser nations, who aimlessly flee wars to vast deserts. Many leave their homelands to other far destinations in pursuit of new hosting homes, while uncertain whether they would reach or die or drown. It is unfortunate to see human bodies and parts of human remains on seashores in a horribly grievous human tragedy. It is not far from the truth to call this an unprecedented human tragedy in human history.


People of common sense and watchful conscience try to find out the logic and reasons behind these tragedies for which we lose lives and countries in futile wars. Such tragedies have come to no logical reason justifying these disasters, which have badly affected the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the aged. Only one reason can be there that one can reasonably think of; it is arms trade and marketing that aim to ensure the continuous operation of death plants and uncanny enrichment resulting from suspicious deals backed by reckless international resolutions. For the sake of that hateful trade, hotbeds of tensions are created, and religious seditions and racial and sectarian conflicts and differences among the nationals of the same homeland are inflamed, turning human life into an unbearable hell.


Ironically, this sharp disaster is taking place in the 21st century, presumably the century of civilization, urbanity, human rights, epistemological progresses, and tremendous scientific advancements and technologies. It is also the century of peace organizations working for maintaining international peace and security, whose conventions criminalize the use of force or threatening to use it in international relations. This suffering comes in a century of human philosophies and teachings, promotion of human egalitarianism and one-class social equality, and postmodernity, among many other achievements for which our modern age is distinguished.


Here, it is crucial to ask how the international peace has become a paradise lost and how the age of human rights has badly been plagued with savagely unprecedented atrocities! I have an answer, which you may also approve of. I think that the modern civilization has ignored the divine religions and their invariably established ethics that remain the same regardless of earthly interests and purposes, let alone the dominance of desires and pleasures. The first of these ethics is human fraternity and human mutual understanding and mercy, which mindfully depicts the creations as the dependents of Allah; the most beloved of Allah's dependents to Allah is the one who extends more benefits to Allah's dependents. This value can prevent the world from converting into a wild sphere with monstrous animals of prey mercilessly devouring one another.


Thinkers of the east and the west emphasize that our only solution is to restore awareness of the heavenly revealed religions and deeply and critically review the deviated modernized discourse to free the human mind from the claws of the emptiness of the materialist experimental philosophy. Under such philosophy, the minds of human individuals limitlessly go their way and dominate human lives. Post-modernity shall not be a mere process of beautifying such views with disharmonious hodge-podge philosophies of affection and passion. For believers and philosophers, there is no way but to reformulate all that in the context of fraternity and mutual mercy as a starting point.[1] This context is the antidote for reviving philosophies as well as other all-inclusive scientific and practical models. This antidote can only exist in the pharmacy of religion.


I do think that the world is currently prepared for religions to undertake their missions. They should stress the values of peace, justice, equality and human rights, regardless of religion, color, race, or language. The Glorious Qur’an frequently read by Muslims day and night simply declares,

“We [Allah] have honored the Children of Adam and carried them in the land and the sea. We [Allah] have provided for them of the good things. We [Allah] have preferred them over many of those We have created in a marked preference.”

(Qur’an, 17: 70)


Before anything else, we need to liberate the image of religions from false concepts, misunderstandings, malpractices, and false religiosity attached to them. These evils bestir conflicts, spread hate, and instigate violence. We should not hold religion accountable for the crimes of any small group of followers. For example, Islam is not a religion of terrorism just because a group of followers carelessly expedites to manipulate with Islamic texts and misinterpret them ignorantly. Then, they accordingly shed blood, kill people, and spread destruction. Unfortunately, they find available sources of finance, weapons, and training. Likewise, Christianity is not a religion of terrorism just because a group of its followers carries the cross and decimates people without distinction between men, women, children, fighters, and captives.  Likewise, Judaism is not a religion of terrorism just because a group of its followers misinterprets the teachings of Moses with the aim of occupying lands and extirpating millions of indigenous defenseless civilian citizens of the Palestinian people, who have the original rights to this land. Furthermore, it is not fair to say that the European civilization is a civilization of terrorism because two world wars broke out in Europe leaving behind more than seventy millions of killed people. The same is true about the American civilization whose nuclear atomic bombings destroyed everything on earth in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If we open the doors for accusations as wide as opened against Islam, no religion, regime, civilization, or national history would stand innocent from violence and terrorism.


Dear Pope,

We deeply appreciate your fair declaration in support of the truth and in defense of Islam against the accusation of violence and terrorism. We feel how you and all attending notable Fathers of Eastern and Western churches are keen to respect religious beliefs and symbols and safeguard them from any offense, thus standing against those who employ such offenses to foment conflicts among the believers.


Al-Azhar is determined to work and cooperate to call for establishing coexistence, reviving dialogue, respecting all human beliefs, and protecting them. We have many shared values and fields to work on. Meanwhile, the common challenges that we have to meet together, as religious leaders, are also numerous. Let us work for the infirm, the hungry, the afraid, the prisoners of war, and all other suffering human beings in the world without discrimination, distinction, or classification. We shall all work together to save the human family from the threats of immorality and the violations of scientific research as well as from researchers' deviations and incautiousness.


Let us all save the environment from corruption and corrupters. Let us all stand against the policies of hegemony and the theories of the “clash of civilizations,” “the end of history,” calls to atheism, Machiavellian mentality, and irreligious modernity as well as against all bad consequences and disasters that follow from them everywhere. 


Finally, may Allah—the Source of all Mercy— make this meeting a real opportunity for human cooperation to promote the culture of peace, human fraternity, and coexistence!


Thank you so much.


Al-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

 The Sheikhdom of Al-Azhar

 Ahmad Al-Tayyeb

The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar

Sha‘ban 2, 1438 AH/April 28, 2017


[1]  Taha Abdel-Rahman, Ruh ul-Hadatha, p. 214 [footnotes], Morocco: Arab Culture Center, 2006.


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