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أقسم بالله العظيم أن أكون مخلصًا لديني ولمصر وللأزهر الشريف, وأن أراقب الله في أداء مهمتى بالمركز, مسخرًا علمي وخبرتى لنشر الدعوة الإسلامية, وأن أكون ملازمًا لوسطية الأزهر الشريف, ومحافظًا على قيمه وتقاليده, وأن أؤدي عملي بالأمانة والإخلاص, وأن ألتزم بما ورد في ميثاق العمل بالمركز, والله على ما أقول شهيد.

Al-Azhar University Has No Branch Outside Egypt

  • | Tuesday, 30 May, 2017
Al-Azhar University Has No Branch Outside Egypt

Al-Azhar university is the oldest university in the world. It has no other branch outside Egypt. It is the greatest Muslim religious institute and reference in the world. The university receives tens of thousands of international students from all corners of the world. The university alumni include many scholars and leaders, who contribute to the formation of the cultural and epistemological format on national and international levels. 

Days ago, some Indian media broadcast the news of opening a new university entitled “Al-Azhar University India.” In this respect, Al-Azhar University and Mosque affirm that Al-Azhar university has no branch or college in India and dissociates itself entirely from this new university. As such, Al-Azhar will take all necessary legal measures to maintain the intellectual property rights of the name of Al-Azhar University.


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