



On the anniversary of Founding Al-Azhar Mosque, Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem...

  • | Monday, 19 April, 2021
On the anniversary of Founding Al-Azhar Mosque, Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem...
On the anniversary of Founding Al-Azhar Mosque, Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem, “Al-Azhar embraces the most honourable heritage in existence”

Former President of Al-Azhar University, “Al-Azhar Mosque contributed to the renaissance of societies, east and west”

The supervisor of scientific activities at Al-Azhar University, “The corridors of Al-Azhar preserved the Muslim nation's heritage”

     In his speech on the anniversary of commemorating the founding of Al-Azhar Mosque, Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem, a member of Al-Azhar's Council of Senior Scholars, said, “This is one of the memorable and unforgettable days that history preserves, i.e., the rise of Al-Azhar in Egypt”. He noted that Al-Azhar embraces the most honourable heritage in existence and embraces many Muslim students in its educational corridors and its university. Such students come to benefit from studying its various disciplines and knowledge to enlighten their own countries with the bright light of Al-Azhar.

     On his part, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hodhud, former President of Al-Azhar University, said, “When you look at the corridors and walls of Al-Azhar Mosque, you’ll recall the history of more than a thousand years, witnessing to men who honoured their pledge to Allah and preserved its existence and loftiness”. He explained that Al-Azhar is not only a beacon of Islamic disciplines, but a inspiration of worldly sciences. Since its inauguration, it has opened the way for teaching other sciences such as Medicine, Engineering and other sciences that contributed to the renaissance of societies in the east and west. He added that “Every scholar has been proud of teaching at Al-Azhar Mosque due to the high esteem it enjoys”.

     In the same respect, Dr. Abdel Moneim Fouad, General Supervisor of Academic Activities at Al-Azhar University, said, “Al-Azhar Mosque, whose anniversary we are celebrating today, and to which Muslims from all parts of the world have been coming in the past and still in the present, continues to carry out its message and convey it to people, pure and far from extremism and fanaticism. He added that the corridors of Al-Azhar have been teaching moderate Islam and preserving the nation's heritage. Al-Hudhud also said that Al-Azhar curricula in general remain committed to respect all opinions. Such curricula produce a solid intellectual mentality that accommodates everyone, builds minds, and never destroys ideas. This is the reason behind Al-Azhar active existence for more than a thousand years now.

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