



Prime Minister of Negeri Sembilan
Mohamed Helal 1027

Prime Minister of Negeri Sembilan

Al-Azhar Grand Imam's Deputy receives Prime Minister of the Malaysian State of Negeri Sembilan.

     On Monday, Feb 10, 2020, Sheikh Ṣaliḥ ‛Abbās, Al-Azhar Grand Imam's Deputy, received Mr. Haj Aminuddin bin Haroun, Prime Minister of the Malaysian State of Negeri Sembilan and his accompanying delegation.

     At the beginning of the meeting, Sheikh Ṣaliḥ ‛Abbās welcomed the Prime Minister of the Malaysian State of Sembilan and the accompanying delegation. He pointed out that Al-Azhar offers all means of cooperation to the international students, indicating that the Grand Imam pays them special care. He also pinpointed the importance of the Parliament of International Students which works on handling the difficulties facing the students.

     On his part, the Prime Minister of the Malaysian State of Sembilan conveyed the greetings of the Malaysian government and people to H.E. the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb, and to his Deputy, expressing his country's pride in the role played by Al-Azhar. He also stressed that Al-Azhar plays an important role in preserving the Islamic heritage and promoting Arabic language, the reason why it has always enjoyed its great global position.

     It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Al-Azhar and Malaysia has been active since ancient times. The Malaysians always sent their children to study at the Al-Azhar Mosque in Jawa Ruwāq (Class Court) which started with six students, and now the number of the Malaysian students at Al-Azhar University is 6,000 students registered in its various faculties. More than 70,000 Malaysian students have graduated from Al-Azhar since 1950s.



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