
Renovation of Islamic Thought


Monday, September 23, 2019

Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy, "Malaysia is a model of peaceful coexistence and tolerance".

Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy, "Malaysia is a model of peaceful coexistence and tolerance".
  • A Malaysian delegation, "Al-Azhar curricula immune the Malaysian society from extremist thoughts".

     Today, Sheikh Ṣaliḥ ‛Abbās, Al-Azhar Grand Imam's Deputy, received a Malaysian delegation at Al-Azhar Headquarter. The delegation included Mr. Amῑruddin Shari, the governor of Selangor, Malaysia, Ambassador Muḥammad Ḥanῑf ‛Abdur-Raḥmān, Ambassador of Malaysia in Cairo, and a number of officials and members of the House of Representatives from the State of Selangor.

     Sheikh Ṣaliḥ ‛Abbās said that Malaysia is a model of peaceful coexistence and tolerance, the case which is in harmony with what Al-Azhar calls for by consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and acceptance of the other. He stressed that the Malaysian students at Al-Azhar represent a good image of the people of Malaysia with their morals and their keen seeking of knowledge. To him, they enjoy full care and special attention by Al-Azhar in its various scientific bodies. The Malaysian students and imams at Al-Azhar are trained in promoting the tolerant message of Islam in their home country.

     On their part, members of the delegation expressed their appreciation for Al-Azhar's educational and missionary efforts to help the students and imams of Malaysia. The greatest proof of the excellence of Al-Azhar students and alumni is that they hold senior positions in Malaysia and that they are highly appreciated by their people.

     The delegation praised Al-Azhar curricula that immune the Malaysian society from extremist thoughts. More than 2,000 students exclusively from Selangor study at Al-Azhar. This is Malaysia's second largest state sending envoys to Al-Azhar. They also expressed their need for more support from Al-Azhar and cooperation between Al-Azhar University and the Islamic University of Selangor.

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