

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Al-Azhar condemns the terrorist attack on the Afghani Ministry of Communications

Al-Azhar condemns the terrorist attack on the Afghani Ministry of Communications

     Al-Azhar condemns the terrorist attack carried out by the terrorist organization "Da'ash" on the headquarters of the Ministry of Communications in the center of the Afghani capital, Kabul, last Saturday, killing 7 people and injuring 8 others. Al-Azhar confirms its absolute rejection of such despicable acts of terrorism, which target the innocent, terrify the safe, and ignore the teachings of religions, the heavenly laws and the international covenants. Al-Azhar extends its sincere condolences to the President, government and people of Afghanistan as well as to the families of the victims, asking Allah to inspire them with patience and to grant the injured with speed recovery.

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