
Humanity of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) refutes....

  • 5 February 2021
Humanity of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) refutes....

The summary of an article by Prof. Naẓīr ˁAyyād, the Secretary General of Al-Azhar Islamic Research Academy (AIRA), entitled “Humanity of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) refutes his opponents’ falsehoods (2)".

Al-Azhar Magazine (Jumādā Al-ˀĀkhirah 1442 AH/ January/ February  2021 AD, Part 6Year 94)


     His Eminence Prof. Naẓīr Muḥammad ˁAyyād, the AIRA Secretary General, resumed his article “Humanity of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) refutes his opponents’ falsehoods”.   In this second part, he talks about some great aspects of the Prophet (PBUH) and some of his humanitarian situations before his noble mission (sending him out to all of the mankind). He mentioned that this article taks about such great aspects, but after his noble Prophethood.


   He began his article talking about the humanitarian situations of the Prophet (PBUH) with the people of Mecca after the conquest (of Mecca), such as his (PBUH) noble behavior with Abū As-Sāʾib who had been the Prophet’s partner in trade before Islam. In addition, his (PBUH) pardon, forgiveness, and nobility with those who refused the conquest and refused anything except fighting, including ʿIkrimah Ibn Abū Jahl, Ṣafwān Ibn ʾUmayyah, Sahl Ibn ʿAmr, and others. When they were defeated and fled, they sought the Prophet's protection and he granted them protection. Not only that, but he also pardoned them, gave them a share from Hawāzen's spoils and welcomed and hospitalized them. Likewise, He (PBUH) forgave and pardoned Fuḍālah Ibn ˁUmayr when he intended to kill the Prophet (PBUH) while circumambulating the Sacred House (the Kaˁbah) in the year of conquest (of Mecca).


     Then stated the humanitarian situations of the Prophet (PBUH) including his reverence and appreciation for the elderly, his compassion for others, without bragging, beside his (PBUH) forbearance with the Bedouin who pulled his cloak behind him, and his cloak was rough and that left a red mark on his neck.



     Citing some texts of the Glorious Qurʾān and the Prophetic traditions, he clarified that the Prophet’s mercy is general and encompasses all creation; The righteous, the evildoer, the obedient, the disobedient, especially the poor and the weak, workmen and servants who were the closest people to his heart. The Prophet (PBUH)  used to praise, show kindness and well-behaved towards them. He bestowed upon them the rights and care before the constitutions of this world apply them.


     He added that the humanitarian aspects of the Prophet's biography did not stop at the limits of human care, but they went beyond caring for the universe; plants and animals.

He cited with some Prophetic traditions about the necessity of compassion for animals. At the end of his inference, he pointed out to the saying of Sheikh Muḥammad Al-Ghazālī who mentioned that if resting an animal and preserving its life is a door to deserve Allah's pleasure, and if tiring and damaging its life is a door to deserve Allah's anger, then imagine how is Allah's care and reward for those who support the right of life among people?!

How is Allah’s revenge and punishment for those who underestimate such right?!


     Then he continued to mention the situations of the Prophet (PBUH) with his enemies such as; his supplication for his enemies in battle of Uḥud, although he was wounded and his uncle Ḥamzah's corpse was mutilated, and his followers were either killed, wounded or scattered, as well as his (PBUH) supplication for the tribe of Thaqīf in the conquest of Aṭ-Ṭāˀif, and his order to open the Yamāmah Road and As-Shām Road for the tribe of Quraysh to resume their business, when they suffered from hunger, although they drove him out of his home and besieged him in Al-Madīnah.


     After that, the AIRA Secretary General wondered  sorrowfully due to the protestation of those who promote the false slogans regarding to the Prophet's Jihad (struggle) against the infidels of Quraysh; to defame his humane character. His Eminence described their behavior as “no-sense” which does not match any thought, logic or reality.


     Then he asked the claimant of civilizations and slogans to learn from the Prophet’s humanity via remembering his commands before standing against any aggression and, his good treatment with captives when he pardoned the captives of Badr, and his forgiveness and grating pardon to the people of Mecca on the day of Mecca conquest.


Finally, he concluded his article showing that the humanitarian aspects of the Prophet (PBUH) are still a plentiful supply to the (Muslim) nation at all times, and a strong response to those who describe him with false descriptions. His Eminence added that history has witnessed various kinds of harm and enmity to our last Prophet but the doers returned with disgrace and Allah foiled their plot. He confirmed that Muslims are proud of belonging to this illiterate Prophet (PUBH) who established the humanity rules, values and idealism for over fourteen centuries.

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