Our Fatwas

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Is a son's wealth permissible for the father even if the father is rich? What is the meaning of the hadeeth: {You and money belong to your father }

      The answer:  Praise be to God, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace,

      The father has no right to the son’s money unless the father is poor, because the father’s expense is in this case obligatory on the son, and thus the son’s money becomes permissible for his father because of his poverty, want, and need. This is carrying the meaning in the hadith of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace: {You and your wealth are to your father} narrated by Ibn Majah .

      But if the father is rich, he is not permitted to take from his son's money, and this is the text of the jurists. Imam Abu Yusuf Al-Hanafi, may God have mercy on him, said: {And if a man consumes money for his son, the son is old  and the man is rich, then Abu Hanifa - may God be pleased with him - used to say: It is a debt of the father}.( The difference of Abu Hanifa and Ibn Abi Laila) (p. 29)).


Categories: Fatwah