Our Fatwas

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ruling on the ˀUḍḥiyah (animal Sacrifice), the virtues behind it...

Ruling on the ˀUḍḥiyah (animal Sacrifice), the virtues behind it, priority between sacrifice and charity for the needy in the light of Covid-19. Which is better, buying a sheep for the sacrifice or donating its price to those in need of medication or treatment expenses?


        Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the most honorable Messenger, our Prophet Muḥammad, his family, companions and successors.


The great virtue of animal sacrifice is evidenced by what was narrated by ˁĀˀisha, may Allah be pleased with her. She reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “A human being would do no action on the Day of Naḥr (Sacrifice) more favorable to Allah than spilling sacrifice animal blood. On the Day of judgement, it (the sacrifice animal) will appear [as credit] with its horns, hair, and hooves. Indeed, the sacrifice blood will be accepted by Allah even before it falls on the ground. So, let your heart delight with it. (Narrated by Ibn Mājah and At-Tirmizῑ).


The scholars agreed on the legality of the sacrifice, as Almighty Allah says, “We have appointed camels and cattle for you among the rituals of Allah; there is goodness for you with it.” (Qur’ān, 22: 36) Allah also says, “Pray to your Lord and slaughter [an animal] in sacrifice.” (Qur’ān, 108: 2). ˀAnas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that "the Prophet (p.b.u.h) sacrificed two horned black-and-white rams, placing his foot on their flanks as he slaughtered them with his own hand, pronouncing the name of Allah and saying, ‘ˀAllah ˀAkbar’". (Narrated by both Bukahrῑ and Muslim)


The most acceptable view is that it is an authenticated Prophetic tradition. It is not made obligatory except with a vow. This is the view of the majority of jurists as Ibn ˁAbbās, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Three [acts of worship] are obligatory to me, but they are volunteering to you; these are: Watr prayer [after ˁIsha], animal Sacrifice and Ḍoḥa (Late Morning] prayer”. (Narrated by Al-Ḥākim and Ad-Dārquṭnῑ)


With regard to the question of giving priority to animal sacrifice or donating its value to the needy in ordinary circumstances, the sacrifice is seen as better according to what the scholars have stated. That is because giving priority to charity in ordinary circumstances would eliminate the Prophetic tradition of the Sacrifice, while it is among the rituals of Islam. However, in the light of unusual circumstances, such as the case with people who now need Covid-19 prevention and cure, donating its value for such urgent purpose would be given more priority than the sacrifice when the two events take place at the same time. This is the ruling according to 'the jurisprudence of priorities' which is defined by Al-ˁEzz Ibn ˁAbdis-Salām as: “Persistence on the best deeds, then good deeds follow them in order not to waste what has more priority.” (Qawāˁidul-Aḥkām, Vol. 1, p. 19)


By extrapolation, it can be said that there are reliable comprehensive standards and regulations for the jurisprudence of analogy and priorities. Such standards clearly state that when two cases overlap and there is inability to combine charity to confront the Coronavirus with the sacrifice, priority should be given to donation for those who need it to confront the Coronavirus in order for them to obtain the greatest benefit. The rule is that if benefits overlap, it is better to achieve them all if possible.

Categories: Fatwah