Our Fatwas

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Ruling on reciting the Qur’an in mind, without moving the lips!

    Ruling on reciting the Qur’an in mind, without moving the lips!

    Reciting the Qur’an without moving the lips is not considered a recitation, and the person who does so will not be given the same reward as those reciting the Qur’an orally, but this is actually considered contemplation of the Qur'an for which Allah may reward the person.

As for prayer, reciting the Qur’an without moving the lips renders the prayer invalid.

Ibnul-Haajib stated in the Book of Prayer (Kitaabus-Salaah), “Reciting without moving the tongue (and lips) is not permissible because this is not an actual recitation, but, rather, a contemplation.”

Categories: Fatwah