Our Fatwas

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Al-Azhar male and female preachers participate in the awareness campaign...

Al-Azhar male and female preachers participate in the awareness campaign by Al-Azhar Islamic Research Academy (AIRA) entitled, “We Will Surely Give Them Their Reward”[1]. The Campaign is meant to call people to get the double reward through their good deeds during the first ten days of Dhul-Ḥijjah.

     The AIRA’s General Secretariat of Daʿwah and Religious Media announced the launch of a comprehensive awareness campaign entitled, “We Will Surely Give Them Their Reward”. The Campaign is meant to guide people to be close to Allah and to get the double reward in the first ten days of Dhul-Ḥijjah, and how to benefit from such days in resorting to Allah Almighty, and getting closer to Him, Glory be to Him, especially in the current circumstances.

     The AIRA Secretary General, Prof. Naẓīr ʿAyyād said that the campaign comes within the framework of the directives of Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Aḥmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb, to raise comprehensive awareness of everything that concerns the community. The campaign is implemented via the social networking pages; on “Facebook, Twitter and Telegram” and the Academy official website, with the participation of Al-Azhar male and female preachers.

    ʿAyyād added that the campaign aims to demonstrate the virtues and actions corresponding to Ḥajj and ʿUmrah in terms of reward. He noted that the circumstances that the world is currently going through as a result of Corona crisis and the many consequent precautionary measures which resulted in depriving some Muslims of performing some seasonal religious rites that people used to perform in the state of the Two Holy Mosques. Such circumstances lead us to search for other deeds that we can perform in these blessed days in which the rewards are doubled.

     The Secretary General clarified that the campaign focuses on explaining the virtues of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, the virtue of righteous deeds during them, and to perform and act such good deeds as a response to the Prophetic approach in benefiting from the blessed days, with a focus on good deeds that benefit society as a whole, such as: charity, sacrifice and others, by addressing the community members with different ages in proportion to the needs of each group, and calling people to be sympathetic with each other in these days and to provide everything that would positively reflect on the relationship between man and his Lord first, and then his relationship with those who live around him/her in the society, in order to achieve psychological stability and societal peace among all people.

[1] The title is quoted from the Qur’anic verse (16:97)

Categories: AIRA News