Our Fatwas

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Moral Reform Is Soul Reform: An Expanded Awareness Campaign by AIRA ....

Moral Reform Is Soul Reform: An Expanded Awareness Campaign by AIRA to Confront Deviant Behavior and Blameworthy Morals

     Al-Azhar Islamic Research Academy (AIRA) launches a comprehensive awareness campaign entitled: “Moral Reform Is Soul Reform” according to the directives of the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, to intensify online and direct awareness campaigns aimed at achieving community peace and family cohesion and spreading positive and good moral values ​​among people.


     In this respect, Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the AIRA Secretary General, said that the campaign accomplishes Al-Azhar Al-Sharif’s lofty message and strategy for maintaining community awareness, protecting societal and moral values, and preserving the Egyptian society from all attempts that could tamper with its security and stability. The campaign is important, Especially at the time when the society is suffering from some problems and deviant behavior patterns that some people promote under the name of freedom. He also emphasized that Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in all its sectors, under the leadership of the Grand Imam, spares no effort to achieve the common benefit by spreading good values ​​and morals among all people, and urging them to have virtues.


     Ayyad added that the campaign focuses on a set of important messages aimed at emphasizing the importance of virtues in building society and nations, and the urgent need to stay away from vices and reprehensible morals, stressing that morals are the balance of the integrity of individuals and societies. He also said that the divine messages call for goodness and refraining from evil, so that man may not be a prisoner of his desires or a slave to his pleasures looking for his own ambitions and instincts.


     The campaign activities will be implemented by Al-Azhar male and female preachers through direct contact with people at youth centers, cultural cafes, women’s lessons at clubs, care homes and mosques, as well as electronic awareness through Social Media websites and the Academy’s website on Al-Azhar’ Portal.

Categories: AIRA News