Al-Azhar Denounces “Mass Graves” in Gaza and calls For Urgent International Prosecution of Zionist Entity

  • 28 April 2024
Al-Azhar Denounces “Mass Graves” in Gaza and calls For Urgent International Prosecution of Zionist Entity

     Al-Azhar Al-Sharif condemns in the strongest terms the heinous crimes committed by the brutal Zionist entity against civilians ‎in the Gaza Strip, as reports have revealed mass graves for ‎hundreds of bodies of children, women, elderly, and medical ‎staff in the vicinity of the Nasser and Al-Shefa Medical ‎Complexes along with dozens of bodies found “scattered” in ‎shelter and displacement centers, tents, and residential ‎neighborhoods throughout the Strip.‎ 
Al-Azhar affirms for the entire world that such “mass graves” ‎are conclusive evidence of hideous atrocities that have come to be a daily behavior by the criminal entity, ‎and that the peoples of the world must unite to ‎stop this entity and regimes supporting its crimes.‎ 
Furthermore, Al-Azhar calls for an urgent international prosecution against the ‎terrorist Zionist occupation government, which no longer ‎recognize the true meaning of inviolable human soul or the right to life as they are ‎committing everyday genocides. Al-Azhar also stresses the need ‎for the international community to assume its responsibilities, ‎stop the frenzied aggression against the people of Gaza and ‎the unprecedented humanitarian ‎disasters, as well as ensuring the protection of civilians and the ‎delivery of sufficient and sustainable humanitarian aids to all ‎parts of the Strip.‎ 
Al-Azhar, meanwhile, expresses its sincere condolences and sympathy to ‎the Palestinian people and the families of the martyrs, praying Allah, the Almighty, to shower them with His infinite mercy and ‎forgiveness, to grant the injured speedy recovery and to protect Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque from the savage assault of terrorist Zionists.

Categories: Observatory News



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