Afifi to German Church Delegation: ‎Islam‬‬ addresses people from all walks of life

  • | Wednesday, 27 May, 2015
Afifi to German Church Delegation: ‎Islam‬‬ addresses people from all walks of life

Dr. Mohie Ed-deen Afifi, the secretary-general of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Islamic Research Academy (AIRA), met today with a delegation from the German Anglican Church accompanied with a delegation from the Egyptian Anglican Church to discuss contemporary ‪‎Islamic issues; such as women's rights in Islam and Islamic approaches of pedagogy and education for children.

The delegation included Dr. Tharwat Qades; head of the Evangelical Nile Synod (the highest authority of the ‎Evangelical ‪‎Church in Egypt, and Reinhard Zink, head of Anglican/Episcopal church in Frankfurt, and Dr. George Horga, deputy of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

The Secretary-General stressed that Islam tackles the general principles rather than specific details to urge the use of intellect and mental faculties. It also addresses all people from all walks of life. "We respect other cultures and the importance of civil cultural dialogue," Afifi stressed.

He also pointed out that Islamophobia was a result of misunderstanding Islam and judging Islam by the actions of terrorist groups. 

In his answer to one of the questions regarding monitoring religious speeches delivered in all Egyptian mosques, Afifi said that throughout the last 30 years, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif was weakened whereas extremist groups were given the opportunity to spread their immoderate thought. However, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif still have the trust and respect of the public worldwide as a result of the reformation undertaken by the Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayyeb. Despite all the challenges, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif works persistently to steer the wheel of reformation, renewing religious discourse and delivering the true message of Islam that respects humanity as well as religious and cultural diversity.

Categories: IRA news