Al-Azhar Observatory condemns killing of unarmed Palestinians

  • | Friday, 30 March, 2018
Al-Azhar Observatory condemns killing of unarmed Palestinians

     Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism follows with serious concern the news from Palestine about the martyrdom of 12 Palestinians and the injury of more than 1100 by the Zionist occupation troops’ fire today during the peaceful protests known as "The Great Rally". Thousands of unarmed Palestinians have participated in the non-violent protests, expected to continue for 6 weeks, which marks the "Land Day" that commemorates the protests of Palestinians for confiscating their lands in 1976, which led to the killing of 6 Palestinians.  
Al-Azhar Observatory condemns all forms of persecution, oppression and killing perpetrated by the occupation forces, which suppress words and stones with the military machine to silence the Palestinian people. It has been made very clear that Zionist entity lacks all manifestations of humanity and is determined to continue its barbaric and brutal actions in the face of unarmed and peaceful people.

Al-Azhar Observatory asserts that the Israeli occupation practices will not intimidate the unarmed people. Rather, this will increase their strength and enlighten future generations on the reality of the Jerusalem Cause.


Categories: Observatory News