Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to Meet with the Pontiff in the Bahrain Summit

  • | Wednesday, 2 November, 2022
Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to Meet with the Pontiff in the Bahrain Summit

     The meeting of the Muslim Council of Elders, scheduled to be held in the ‎Kingdom of ‎Bahrain on the 4th of November, will see important ‎discussions and direct dialogue ‎between members of the Muslim Council ‎of Elders and senior clergy of the Catholic ‎Church. The meeting will be ‎attended by Prof. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-‎Azhar and ‎Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, and His Holiness Pope ‎Francis, ‎Head of the Catholic Church, to discuss the global issues and challenges ‎facing ‎humanity in the 21st century.‎
The Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, Judge Mohamed ‎Abdelsalam, ‎stated that, during this dialogue, religious leaders are set to ‎share their vision on the ‎mechanisms of addressing key global issues and ‎challenges, particularly climate change ‎and its negative consequences on ‎people's lives, including its impact on food and water ‎supplies, which poses a humanitarian ‎disaster, as well as the role of religious leaders in ‎tackling this ‎phenomenon. The ways to promote the Islamic-Christian dialogue to ‎achieve ‎human fraternity will also be discussed.‎
In this dialogue, members of the Muslim Council of Elders and leaders of ‎the Catholic ‎Church will offer a model for the relationship between leaders ‎and followers of ‎different religions and the role those religious leaders can ‎play to face contemporary ‎challenges by taking serious measures and ‎practical and realistic solutions from a ‎religious and legal perspective ‎to mitigate the effects of the crises facing humanity.‎

Categories: Observatory News