US Senator: Israel has the right to Strike Gaza with Nuclear Weapons to Survive!

  • | Wednesday, 15 May, 2024
US Senator: Israel has the right to Strike Gaza with Nuclear Weapons to Survive!

     US Senator Lindsey Graham claimed during an interview on NBC News, “To Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state. Whatever you have to do, when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons. That was the right decision. Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war.” Earlier, he made such a claim before a congressional hearing. Graham’s remarks came after the US halted a sizeable weapons shipment to Israel because of worries about their potential use in Rafah, which is home to 1.5 million displaced Palestinians.

Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism (AOCE) condemns Graham’s call for bombing Gaza with nuclear weapons, affirming that such a statement not only reveals a mindset but also the inhumane attitude against a wasteland where defenseless, forcibly displaced, and starved civilians live. Such an unspeakable statement recalls a history for which those who claim ethical superiority to lead the globe need to apologize rather than braggingly recall it as an example to be followed. The matter seems to be a strange irony amid the occupation army’s war crimes and the policy of starvation against children, women, and the elderly in Gaza. The pressing question now is: By what ethics do nuclear fear-mongers go?! And what kind of sound reasoning results in a threat by defenseless starved civilians to the colonial nuclear occupation entity?!

Categories: Observatory News