Zionism: An Enemy of Peace

  • | Sunday, 29 September, 2024
Zionism: An Enemy of Peace

Prof. Mohamed El-Dewini

Al Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy

Translated by Mohamed Ali El-Kazzaz


Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Seal of the Messengers and God’s mercy to the world—our master Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family, companions, and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.

Throughout the course of our lives, the world, with the depth of its history and the breadth of its geography, unfolds a myriad of events each day. Numerous historical occurrences slip into the shadows of oblivion, yet some persist in the collective memory of nations as guiding beacons, bright signs, or poignant markers.

In this moment, events stand as the discerning factors that distinguish between truth and falsehood, honesty and betrayal. The defense of land and honor is both a right and a trust, and martyrdom in the cause of God is likewise a right and a trust. Establishing an entity based on a false history is erroneous and an act of treason. Similarly, the bombing of innocent civilians is a grave falsehood and an act of treason, and the silence of responsible organizations in such matters is also treasonous.

In the midst of these challenges, the Palestinian people stand resilient and patient in the face of deceitful and usurping occupiers, who repeatedly demonstrate through acts of terrorism that they are an enemy of peace. The plight of our Palestinian brethren serves as a poignant reminder of the duty of brotherhood; “A Muslim is a brother to his fellow Muslim; he neither wrongs nor abandons him. If one attends to his brother’s needs, Allah, in turn, attends to his own needs; if one alleviates a Muslim’s distress, Allah will alleviate his own distress of the Day of resurrection” [Bukhari: 2442]. In this time, we are summoned to fortify the ties of brotherhood with a spirit of unity, embodying the collective identity of “Verily, this community of yours is one nation, and I am your Lord, so worship Me” [Quran 21:92].

The malicious assault on our homelands, which defies the divine revelations and breaches the covenants of the earth, exposes the deceit of the brutal Zionist entity. It unequivocally affirms that such entity neither pursues peace nor has no genuine desire for it. Peace does not involve the killing of children, the targeting of civilians, or the bombing of hospitals.

Despite the heinous nature of Zionist crimes, encompassing the ruthless killing of children, women, and the elderly, the destruction of the cherished land of Palestine, and the forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes, these atrocities have failed to evoke a collective global conscience or prompt resolute condemnation from any quarter of the world.

The liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its restoration to the Muslims stands as a sincere promise in the Book of our Lord. The return of Al-Aqsa to Muslims is a settled matter, its timing concealed from us, and perhaps it will transpire soon, God willing!

It is incumbent upon Muslims to remain vigilant and steadfast in their cause, resisting deception and maintaining awareness of the harsh reality endured by the people of Palestine. They must comprehend the grave threats faced by the first qiblah, no less sacred and revered than the Kaaba itself. In this era that ostensibly champions freedoms and democracy, it is perplexing to witness international institutions and UN bodies consistently turning a blind eye to the occupier’s longstanding violations. Decades of inaction persist despite the ongoing endeavors to undermine the structure and identity of the first qiblah through excavations, the falsification of its name as the Wailing Wall, and plans to construct a temple upon it. These violations also extend to restrictions on prayer access, the closure of the site, the erection of iron barriers, the installation of surveillance cameras, and degrading searches of visitors. While Muslims endure heinous attacks, including killings, injuries, and arrests, the international community shamefully remains silent. Despite the blatant nature of such transgressions occurring in Jerusalem and in Palestinian territories at large, the international response has been limited to calls for calm and restraint. Were such violations to happen in reverse, with some Palestinians transgressing against a Jewish temple, the world would undoubtedly react vehemently. Major and minor countries would mobilize, and international institutions, UN bodies, and human rights organizations would launch relentless campaigns, accusing Islam of extremism and terrorism, stigmatizing Muslims as barbaric and racist violators of sanctities. They would label such actions as the epitome of terrorism, potentially prompting military interventions to save the oppressed Jews from the alleged terrorist acts of Palestinian Muslims.

Let it be known to the Zionists and their supporters that Al-Aqsa Mosque is Islamic and Arab. It was, still is, and will forever remain so. The belief that the passage of time, the manipulation of history, or the alteration of realities will make Arabs and Muslims forget their deep-rooted connection is a delusion. Major powers must adopt a uniform standard in addressing global issues, refraining from religious bias and unconditional support for the unjustly established usurping entity in our land, treating it as a favored child. They should be aware that the ongoing actions against Muslims and their sacred sites create a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism, posing a threat to global security and peace, extending beyond our afflicted region.

A crucial reminder remains: the efforts made by Al-Azhar through conferences, seminars, and publications are vital steps in restoring the necessary awareness of the Palestine cause and the liberation of Al-Aqsa. These endeavors are expected to have a significant positive impact, with the hope that they will stimulate an influential movement to garner international support and engage free-minded individuals worldwide. It is imperative to instill awareness among Arab youth about this critical cause.

The Islamic religion itself is deeply concerned with the issue of Palestine, particularly Jerusalem. The current circumstances call for a renewed determination to uphold this cause in our collective consciousness. We must firmly establish the belief that the teachings of heavenly religions universally condemn the Zionist entity and denounce its crimes against humanity and sacred sites. Al-Azhar’s conference in support of Jerusalem included participants from the Jewish faith who explicitly disavowed the entity, asserting that it does not represent Judaism. They declared that the crimes committed by the entity diverge significantly from the authentic teachings of Judaism and emphasized that these Zionists cannot be genuinely called Jews, nor Israelites. Before concluding these words, I reiterate my steadfast affirmation, echoing the unwavering stance of Al-Azhar institution:

First: Occupied Jerusalem was, is, and will remain Arab, serving as the eternal capital of the State of Palestine. It shall be liberated and restored to Palestine, whether in our generation or that of our children and grandchildren.

Second: The acts of terrorism perpetrated by the Zionist entity against Palestinians and our Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem and across Palestine closely parallel the terrorism afflicting our troubled region. Both are products of American-Zionist collaboration, a fact that needs to be declared unequivocally and without flattery. It is time to cease self-blame and defeatist attitudes. Those who remain mentally detached must awaken and desist from baseless accusations against our educational curricula, our righteous religion, and our tolerant heritage, absolving them of any association with the violence and extremism cultivated by this sinister terrorism. This black terrorism was intentionally created, supported logistically, provided with all means of expansion and dissemination, and subsequently used as a pretext to dismantle our nation, exert control over our people, and shatter the aspirations of a better future for our youth and the generations to come.

Third: The Arab and Islamic identity of Jerusalem is an indisputable truth rooted in history, religion, and reality. We, as the followers of the prophets and messengers, have by far a legitimately stronger claim than the Zionists who, while failing to honor the legacy and teachings of any of their prophets, assert entitlement to Jerusalem. Our Lord’s Book establishes our worthiness, surpassing theirs, as mentioned when God says: “Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists. Indeed, the people closest to Abraham are those who followed him, and this is the Prophet and those who believe” [Quran 3:67-68]. We are entrusted with preserving the legacy of all the prophets, and our Seal Messenger inherited Jerusalem when he ascended to the highest heavens after praying in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque with all the prophets. Subsequently, his companions assumed leadership over Jerusalem, notably during the era of Umar. Saladin’s actions merely amounted to reclaiming usurped property. Zionist control later emerged as a new usurpation following the ill-fated Balfour Declaration. This declaration granted part of Arab land to a political faction devoid of any genuine connection to pure Judaism.

Fourth: We categorically reject any plans targeting the people of Gaza, aiming to displace and relocate them to the Sinai Peninsula. This region holds immense historical significance within the land of Egypt and is cherished in the annals of humanity and in the hearts of Egyptians.

Fifth: The current times necessitate the mobilization of Arab and impartial media outlets to elucidate the realities of the Palestinian cause, encompassing its history and present state. This effort aims to enhance awareness of its multifaceted dimensions and underscore the legitimacy of Palestinian demands, which are firmly grounded in religious, humanitarian values, and international legitimacy resolutions.

Sixth: It is imperative that we collectively align with the stance of Egypt and Al-Azhar, extending our sincere commendations to the resilient efforts of the Palestinian people in their resistance. We earnestly call upon the civilized world and the international community to objectively examine the protracted occupation in Palestine, the longest in modern history. The Zionist occupation of Palestine casts a stigma on humanity and the international community, revealing a disturbing propensity for double standards when it comes to the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion: Our Arab and Muslim governments carry the responsibility of enlightening both current and forthcoming generations about the history of Palestine and Jerusalem, emphasizing their Arab identity. It is crucial to instill in the minds of our children the significance of this history, ensuring it remains a living and enduring part of their consciousness. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine throughout history and will remain Arab until God inherits the land and those on it.


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