

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Episode 7

Episode 7

The Grand Imam, in the seventh episode of his Ramadan Program broadcast on Egyptian TV:

-  "Keeping the secrets of marriage is one of the mutual rights due on spouses"

-  "The obligation to preserve a spouse's life and honor is not limited to the wife"

     His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof Ahmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb, said that one of the husband's rights that his wife should protect his wealth because she is a guardian in his house, as stated in the Prophetic Hadith “And the woman is a guardian in her husband’s house and she is responsible for her offspring". So, she has to fear Allah regarding her husband's wealth, whether in terms of spending on house needs or in the case of giving charity. Spending in both cases should be bound by moderation, based on the rule that "No harm should be inflicted nor reciprocated."

     The Grand Imam explained that in addition to protecting the wife’s money; Islam also made it forbidden for the husband to dispose of it without her consent. It also protects the husband's money; that the wife is forbidden to act outside the circle of the ma`rouf (fairness) and the rule of "No harm should be inflicted nor reciprocated". Among the due rights is preservation of life and honor by the two spouses. Just as a wife must guard her honor out of maintaining her husband's honor, the husband is bound to guard his chastity out of respect for the honor of his wife and family.

     His Eminence the Grand Imam pointed out that the Holy Quran presents a beautiful image of the woman who guards her husband's honor, where Almighty Allah says, “So righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard”. So, the wife is not free to cheat on her husband either in his presence or in his absence. Also, a husband is not free to cheat on his wife at all, because maintaining the family in Islam is a sacred undertaking.

     The Grand Imam added that among the mutual spousal rights is the protection spousal obligations in the husband's absence, which is not limited to the case of the husband's travel. It rather includes keeping the husband's secrets, so that it is forbidden for the wife to disclose any of the husband's secret. The husband is also forbidden to disclose the secrets of his wife to his friends, explaining that many husbands and wives do not pay attention to this sanctity, and disclose such marital secrets as a means of joking. All of this is forbidden because the confidentiality of these marital secrets is a kind of a trust.

     The Grand Imam concluded by saying that the characteristics of the righteous woman, as mentioned in the Qur'an; run as follows: “So righteous women are devoutly obedient, [to Allah and to their husbands] and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard”. They are also summarized by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in the hadith that reads, “Nothing is of more benefit to the believer, next to piety, than a righteous wife who obeys him when he commands her, pleases him when he looks at her, fulfills his oath when he swears an oath concerning her, and guards herself [her chastity] and his wealth when he is away from her.”

     The Grand Imam's program is broadcast at 6:15 pm daily throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan. The program discusses a number of Muslim family issues, the rights recognized by Islam for husband and wife, and how to preserve the family entity as a basis for building a sound human community.

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