Why we need religion

By: Mohamed Ali

  • | Wednesday, 4 December, 2024
Why we need religion

    Since the beginning of his creation, man has thought about his being, wondering why he came to existence and what his destiny is. Religion provides answers to these questions in a way that science, no matter how advanced it has become, falls short from. It explains the reasons for man's creation and the objective of his existence, giving him meaning in life and a sense of purpose. In addition, religion serves as people's ultimate source of virtuous values ​​and noble ethics. It is a system of beliefs, principles and ideologies that individuals take recourse to whenever they are troubled or need guidance. Religion is indispensable in individuals' lives, for it is the reassuring spirituality in times of calamities and hardships. Adherence to religion, belief and morals is also the path to establishing a secure and stable society. In this article, I will explain the importance of religion in our lives and the extent of its impact on individuals and society.

Religion is not limited to observing certain rituals or acts of worship. It is rather a comprehensive approach that is based on belief, morals and good manners. Many scholars have explained that adherence to religion is the cornerstone for dealing properly with all problems facing us as it distances us from evils and guides us to goodness. In troubled times, it reassures us and gives us comfort and steadfastness. Religion is a cure for everything that afflicts man, such as despair, frustration, depression and failure. It is a revelation that guides minds and casts tranquility in hearts. It is the way to trust God and believe that everything that afflicts a person may be a blessing in disguise. We are in need of religion in order to bring us closer to God who promises great reward in the Hereafter for those who act righteously and avoid sins, a reward that excels any worldly gain and thus merits more commitment. Religious instructions revolve mainly around avoiding evil deeds and observing acts of obedience, thus bringing man closer to that ultimate reward.

As religious teachings guarantee individuals' rights, define their duties and regulate their relations, they help establish equality and justice between people. Religion also encourages the spread of cordiality and justice in society, thus ensuring its cohesion and stability. Religion is a shield that protects members of society from vice and negative behavior. As a matter of fact, individuals who are committed to the divine commands, decent morals and proper behavior collectively contribute to a virtuous and ethical society that will inevitably find its way to development, advancement and prosperity. Religion focuses on achieving inter-human integration and societal collaboration. Islam, for example, urges its follower to "help one another in righteousness and piety – and not help one another in sin and injustice." (Quran 5:2)

Religion in our life is the basis on which individuals' morality and societal virtues are founded. It is strength for man and society alike as it provides man with emotional support in times of crises and unifies people with common set of values that promotes a sense a community and positive social behaviors. 

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