US Senator: Israel has the right to Strike Gaza with Nuclear Weapons to Survive!
     US Senator Lindsey Graham claimed during an interview on NBC News, “To Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state. Whatever you have to do, when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl...
Wednesday, 15 May, 2024
Al-Azhar Denounces “Mass Graves” in Gaza and calls For Urgent International Prosecution of Zionist Entity
     Al-Azhar Al-Sharif condemns in the strongest terms the heinous crimes committed by the brutal Zionist entity against civilians ‎in the Gaza Strip, as reports have revealed mass graves for ‎hundreds of bodies of...
Sunday, 28 April, 2024
Zionist Army’s Perfidious Tactics: Using Deceptive Broadcasts to Target Civilians in Nuseirat Camp
    As part of its genocidal campaign ongoing since October 7, 2023, the Zionist army is currently employing disturbing methods to trick and attack Palestinian civilians in the Nuseirat refugee camp, located in the central Gaza Strip....
Monday, 22 April, 2024
Grand Imam's Word lailatul Qadr 1445H
I hereby call upon the scholars of the nation to raise, without delay, to the epochal necessity of a ‘pan-scholar unity’ that brings together the Sunni, Shite, Ibadi, and other Muslim icons who share the same Qiblah. It is a unity of...
Saturday, 6 April, 2024
AOCE Celebrates Ramadan Victory
     On the 10th of Ramadan 1393 A.H. (Oct. 6, 1973), Egyptian valiant soldiers managed to write a new chapter in the history of our beloved country and the entire region. Despite observing the obligatory fasting of Ramadan, the...
Wednesday, 20 March, 2024

Where should (Ṣalwāt al-Janā'ez) funeral prayers be performed in the current situation?
All praise is due to Allah, and may the peace and the blessing be upon the Messenger of Allah, his companions and those who follow him. Performing the funeral prayer in mosques is not a condition of validity and it can be performed at any...
Tuesday, 24 March, 2020
Ethics in Islam: Concept and Importance
Akhlāq (sing. khuluq) refers to innate character, nature, and disposition.[1] The word akhlāq has a very close relationship with the word khāliq (the Creator) and makhlūq (the creature). Therefore, akhlāq assumes a good relationship between...
Tuesday, 4 February, 2020
What is the Fate of ISIS Fighters’ European Children?
  After the pressures put by the U.S. President Donald Trump on EU governments to repatriate their nationals who joined ISIS in Iraq and Syria, most of these governments showed reluctance to take them back. They expressed their deep concerns...
Sunday, 5 January, 2020
The Rohingya: An Open-ended Crisis
     With the repeated failure of the attempts to repatriate the Rohingya Muslims to Myanmar, Bangladesh struggles to address this acute humanitarian crisis. International reports tell that almost a million Rohingya...
Tuesday, 17 December, 2019
A Heart-to-Heart Discussion
By: Asmaa Muhammad Yusuf
Wednesday, 11 December, 2019