| 20 أبريل 2024 م

Religious Leaders to Keep Religion away from Political Conflicts

  • | الخميس, 16 فبراير, 2017
Religious Leaders to Keep Religion away from Political Conflicts

The Grand Imam Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, Sheikh Al-Azhar, received a delegation of Danish religious leaders, accompanied by H.E. Susanne Shine, the Ambassador of Denmark to Egypt.

His eminence the Grand Imam stated that religions were revealed to bring happiness to humanity, not adversity; therefore, Al-Azhar is keen on strengthening relations with religious leaders all over the world, and held numerous tours of dialogue with the Church of Canterbury in Britain, with the World Council of Churches as well as the Vatican. His eminence also emphasized that the relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt is a model of coexistence among citizens of one society based on equal citizenship, which must be the alternative for the term ‘minorities’, a term that instills division and isolation. The Grand Imam also pointed out that it is the duty of religious leaders to keep religion away from political conflicts.

On their part, the delegation members expressed their aspirations for developing relations with Al-Azhar with the aim of achieving true progress and development, founded on spreading peace among the peoples of the world.

الأبواب: English Page
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