



Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy meets the Sudanese Minister of Endowments to discuss ways to promote joint cooperation
     On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, at Al-Azhar Headquarters, Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy, Prof. Muḥammad Aḍ-Ḍuwīnī, received the Sudanese Minister of Endowments, Naṣruddīn Mufriḥ, and Dr. ˁAbdur-Raḥīm ˁAlī Muḥammad,...
Wednesday, 23 December, 2020
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar calls for human solidarity...
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar calls for human solidarity and directing the world's attention towards putting an end to the suffering of the poor and the persecuted      On Sunday, December 20, 2020, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar,...
Sunday, 20 December, 2020
Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy receives a high-level Senegalese delegation to discuss ways of joint cooperation for combating extremism
The Senegalese delegation, “We are keen to benefit from Al-Azhar's moderate approach in combating extremism”.      On Monday, December 14th, 2020, His Eminence Prof. Muḥammad Aḍ-Ḍuwīnī, Al-Azhar Grand...
Monday, 14 December, 2020
USAID Acting Administrator stated, “We are keen to cooperate with Al-Azhar...
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to the Acting Administrator of US Agency for International Development (USAID), “Ceasing wars and hatred is the easiest way to solve the world's problems”. USAID Acting Administrator stated, “We...
Wednesday, 7 October, 2020
In three languages, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar denounces statements attacking Islam...
In three languages, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar denounces statements attacking Islam, describing them as “irresponsible” aiming to achieve political gains      The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb,...
Monday, 5 October, 2020
Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy, “Our relationship with Kazakhstan is strong...
Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s Deputy, “Our relationship with Kazakhstan is strong and our hands are extended to the students and the imams” The Ambassador of Kazakhstan praises Al-Azhar's approach and its role in serving the...
Thursday, 3 September, 2020
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar gives instructions...
     On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb, gave instructions of an urgent medical and relief convoy from Al-Azhar to be sent to Lebanon. This convoy is meant to express our solidarity with...
Wednesday, 5 August, 2020
In his speech at the virtual forum of ICESCO, Rector of Al-Azhar University...
In his speech at the virtual forum of ICESCO, Rector of Al-Azhar University states, “The contemporary world has been suffering a lot as a result of preoccupation away from religion.” Maintaining fraternity and peace has become...
Wednesday, 22 July, 2020
Al-Azhar Grand Imam rejects the fait accompli policy adopted to seize West Bank territories
     In the name of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, the Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmed Aṭ-Ṭayyeb, declares absolute rejection of the Zionist occupation plan to seize parts of the West Bank depending on the policy of imposing fait accompli. Al-Azhar...
Thursday, 2 July, 2020
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Pope of the Vatican continue their calls...
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Pope of the Vatican continue their calls for global solidarity to alleviate the suffering of those affected by Coronavirus.      In a phone call on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, the Grand Imam of...
Tuesday, 30 June, 2020


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