Zionist Army’s Perfidious Tactics: Using Deceptive Broadcasts to Target Civilians in Nuseirat Camp

  • 22 April 2024
Zionist Army’s Perfidious Tactics: Using Deceptive Broadcasts to Target Civilians in Nuseirat Camp
    As part of its genocidal campaign ongoing since October 7, 2023, the Zionist army is currently employing disturbing methods to trick and attack Palestinian civilians in the Nuseirat refugee camp, located in the central Gaza Strip. According to testimonies collected by the Euro-Med Monitor team from residents of the camp, sounds of women screaming and babies crying were broadcast late at night to snipe responding civilian residents by Israeli quadcopter drones. These sounds were revealed to be recordings played by the drones, designed to draw the camp’s inhabitants into the open, making them vulnerable to sniper fire and other forms of attack.
The strategy also included the broadcasting of gunshots, sounds of armed clashes, explosions, and movements of military vehicles, along with occasional songs in Hebrew and Arabic. These tactics are intended to psychologically terrorize civilians living in complete nocturnal darkness and cut off from the outside world.
Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism (AOCE) is raising alarms about the Zionist army’s unethical and inhumane actions against civilians, which are escalating daily and inflicting significant psychological and physical harms. The Zionist army has been committing war crimes and violations against humanity by targeting undefended buildings and residential areas, conducting deliberate and indiscriminate strikes on civilian infrastructure, and causing widespread and lasting damage. All of these actions urgently require international accountability.
Categories: Observatory News



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