Foreign Fighter Returnees: An Ongoing Concern
     Defeating and getting rid of ISIS it in both Syria and Iraq have left behind remnants of fighters from different countries who had joined the Organization in its flourishing period since 2014. This is a legacy that most...
Monday, 5 October, 2020
Hate in the Age of Corona
As we are about to bid farewell to 2020, we need to reflect on a dilemma that has swept through the whole world, Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Starting at the beginning of this year, the COVID-19 pandemic –if we may say- revealed the true...
Monday, 28 September, 2020
The Antidote to Islamophobia
            Islamophobia is one of the worst problems that beset Muslims in the West. This phenomenon, which has many negative impacts on communal integrity, must be countered and rejected,...
Wednesday, 16 September, 2020
Evils of the Tongue (3): True Threats (Al-Tarwi̅‘)
    Under the Sharia, threats, regardless of whether they are made seriously, in jest or in gesture receive emphatic prohibition. The term "threatening" (Ar. tahdi̅d) can rarely be found in the classical juristic manuals, yet...
Wednesday, 9 September, 2020
Evils of the Tongue (2): Takfi̅r Al-Muslim (Labeling a Muslim with Disbelief)
     Takfi̅r basically means to attribute the state of disbelief (kufr) to a person. Kufr, according to a definition given by Ibn Ḥazm, means to deny something that God has made a constituent part of belief, and that such denial...
Wednesday, 2 September, 2020
Commemorating the Hijrah of the Prophet (PBUH)
    In 17 AH/637 AD, and on Abū Mūsa al-Ashʻri’s  advice, the second Rightly Guided Caliph ʻUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb decided to establish the year in which the Prophet immigrated to Madīnah as the beginning of the Islamic...
Wednesday, 26 August, 2020
Evils of the Tongue
(1) Seditious Speech (fitnah-inciting speech)
Wednesday, 19 August, 2020
Sports as a Vaccine against Extremism
By: Muhammad Al-Ayyaat
Tuesday, 28 July, 2020