White Supremacy: A Form of Terrorism in the West
By: Mahmoud Kamel
Tuesday, 16 August, 2022
Labeling Muslims Disbelievers: A Legal Reading
By Mohamed Ali Kazaz
Sunday, 31 July, 2022
Can the Rohingya humanitarian disaster breed radicalism?
By/ Asmaa Muhammad Yusuf
Thursday, 21 July, 2022
Features of the Extremist Thought: Ignoring the Objectives of the Sharīʿah
By: Elsayed Zakaria Abuamer
Sunday, 29 May, 2022
The Great Replacement Theory: Christchurch and Buffalo Shooting
By: Abdullah Abdeen
Monday, 23 May, 2022
Ramadan; Month of Great Victories
By: Abdullah Abdeen
Thursday, 21 April, 2022
Is Woman Oppressed in Islam?
     There is a widespread stereotype among many non-Muslims that Islam oppresses woman and deprives her of her basic rights. This line of thought is fed by wide media coverage and focus on some acts of injustice which women face...
Monday, 11 April, 2022
How Should ISIS Child Returnees be Treated?
According to the United Nations Security Council, recruitment or use of children in armed forces and armed groups is one of six grave violations against children that are perpetuated at times of war. The international agency also indicates that...
Tuesday, 29 March, 2022