Peaceful Coexistence: Means and Prospects
By: Ahmed Al-Gaisi
Tuesday, 18 April, 2023
Women and Countering Extremism
By: Asmaa Muhammad Yusuf
Wednesday, 29 March, 2023
Islam and Freedom of Belief
       Throughout many decades, media coverage has been portraying Islam as a violent and bloody religion whose main aim is to force all people either to adopt Islam or be killed. This is done by focusing on some extremist...
Tuesday, 28 February, 2023
This Is Why Identities Integrate, Not Conflict
     Determining one’s identity usually involves “differentiating oneself from what one is not” (Benhabib, 1996, p. 3). Identity, as a matter of fact, involves similarity (sameness) and dissimilarity (uniqueness)...
Tuesday, 24 January, 2023
Facts or Claims?
By/ Asmaa Muhammad Yusuf
Sunday, 22 January, 2023
This is Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of Truth
     Festivals and celebrations are considered one of the distinctive characteristics and key features of societies around the world as they constitute a major part of cultural fabric for people. This means that there is hardly any...
Tuesday, 10 January, 2023
Combating Hate Speech: A Religious Perspective
By/ Ahmad Hamza
Sunday, 18 December, 2022